SUDS Design
Sustainable drainage systems are a collection of water management practices that aim to align modern drainage systems with natural water processes. SuDS efforts make urban drainage systems more compatible with components of the natural water cycle such as storm surge overflows, soil percolation, and bio-filtration.
Our SUDS Design service comprises:
Specialist advice on conceptual designs and planning approval
Detailed design of SUDS (including Blue-Green Roofs)
Pre-development Enquiries
S104 & S106 Applications for Adoption
Connection Applications (Water Authorities, Canal & Rivers Trust etc)
Management and maintenance procedures for SUDS
Drainage Impact Assessments
Rainwater harvesting and re-use design
Modelling and optimisation of large and complex drainage networks in Microdrainage
Water Harvesting for Sport Developments
Our team of experts can help you today.
Flood Risk Assessment
A Flood Risk Assessment (also known as an FRA) is a planning document that allows clients and local authorities to assess the flood risk to a site. This allows local authorities to understand whether a development will be safe to build in its current state in relation to different types of flooding.
Our Services:
Flood Mitigation
Flood Risk Assessments to EA, TAN15 and SEPA requirements
Washland Modelling
Flood Models
Natural Flood Management
Call our expert Flooding team to discuss your requirements today.
Public Health
We design systems for water supply and sanitation that help buildings work better for occupants, owners and the environment.
Pluviam Environmental's public health engineers tackle diverse challenges – from sustainable strategies, drainage in high-rise buildings and supplying recovered water for reuse.
Our services include:
Internal Foul Water Drainage Design
Internal and External Rainwater Design
Site Wide Drainage Design
Blue Roof Design
Recovered Rainwater and Waste Water Design
Reed Bed Design
Drainage Surveys and Evaluation Reports
Civil Engineering
Our Civil Engineers are experts in designing anything from highway drainage to pavement design for residential developments.
Civil Engineering services include the following:
S38 and S278 highway designs and applications
Site surveys (topographical or drainage based)
Private pavement designs
Validation works
Condition Surveys
Call today for a competitive quotation.